Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Euthanasia be legalized.

  Euthanasia refers to ending a life for relieving pain and suffering. It also means a good death in Greek. People usually describe a circumstance like this: A person has some horrible, deadly disease. He is trapped in a hospital bed, with all kinds of medical equipment around him, unable to move or do anything except exist. He is in tremendous pain. He begs to have these machines disconnected, so he can go out and live out whatever life he has left and leave in peace. But the doctors say no, because to turn off the machines would definitively result in his death, and they have an ideological bias against doing this. Doesn't the patient have rights to make that decision for himself? (Johansen, 2000). Luke Gormally said that “The claimed justification for euthanasia first takes the moral high ground of compassion. When a truer form of compassion is found in palliative care, the ground shifts to an appeal to human rights, especially to the sovereignty of self- determination.” Euthanasia should be legalized because of human right, unbearable pain, patient’s wills.

People have the right to make decision by themselves. Everyone has the right to decide how they should die. “In…cases where there are no dependants who might exert pressure one way or the other, the right of the individual to choose should be paramount. So long as the patient is lucid, and his or her intent is clear beyond doubt, there need be no further questions.” (The Independent, 2002) There is a fact that “There are no laws, medical associations, church denominations, or right-to-life groups who insist that unnecessary, heroic, or truly futile treatments be provided to prolong life and all recognize the right of competent patients to refuse medical treatment.”(Terrisfight). A survey by the NIPO Institute (Netherlands) obtained the result that 76% favored voluntary euthanasia whereas 77% agreed with non voluntary euthanasia meaning killing your dead or mom out of mercy for example.

It is inhuman and unfair to make patients endure the unbearable pain. Assisting a patient to end painful life might be a better choice than demanding that he go on the suffering life. The goal involving euthanasia is to "aid-in-dying" painlessly and therefore should be considered and accepted by lawfully (Dr. Maisie M). The Voluntary Euthanasia Society (EXIT) argues that faced with terminal illness, pain or a useless existence, for which there is no cure, everyone should have a chance to turn to “…..the mercy of a painless death.” They expect that the law will give doctors authority to end the lives of patients who have made it clear that this is what they want.

People who want to die can not be forced to stay alive. We should not make people stay alive only by looking at our perspectives. If a patient with a terminal illness is hover between life and death, it is necessary to allow the patient to speed up the process for a decent death. People falling under the definition of possible euthanasia patients are the patients whose brains are not competent, or bodies are dying. They may think that they would rather die than lead such lives with their bodies in severe pain every day (Amarasekara, 2002). French President Nicholas Sarkozy said in a 2007 campaign speech, "when I hear debates on euthanasia, I tell myself that while I respect the principles, the convictions, at the bottom of my heart I still say there are limits to the suffering that can be imposed on a human."

In conclusion, by considering human right, miserable pain, patient’s wills, we ought to legalize euthanasia. People’s decision should not be influenced by others. Furthermore, it is cruel to see that patients bear so much pain and they can not deal with the pain neither end their life. Also, we should not force people to go on their life if they do not want to. Try to imagine, if one day, we are the one who are kept in the bed and not able to do anything except live with huge pain. We shall not want this endless and painful life, shall we?

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